
8 Signs Your Mattress is Hurting Your Back

A few months back, I was experiencing extreme back pain, which for me was quite weird, mostly because I exercise every day, I take care of my posture, and I make sure that I use ergonomic furniture while working. Eventually, my pain got so bad that I had to visit my doctor, who after checking me out asked one single question – when was the last time you replaced your mattress?

My answer? Well, I couldn’t really remember when I bought a new one and yes, you’ve guessed it right, the back pain I was feeling was completely caused by the bed I was resting on. To save you a trip to the doctor’s office, here are the top 8 signs that the mattress you have is causing your back to hurt:

1. If You Experience Pain & Stiffness When You Wake Up

One of the first red flags that it’s time for you to go to a mattress store is if you experience moderate or extreme pain and immobility when you wake up. In fact, if you feel completely fine when you go to bed, but wake up in aches while trying to stand up and straighten your spine, the bed you’re resting on could be the culprit. And, if this continues happening every day, you should definitely think about replacing it.

Now, you should keep in mind, sleeping in an uncomfortable bad won’t only cause pain, discomfort, and aches, but it could lead to some really dangerous health conditions and illnesses such as misalignment of your spine, restless leg syndrome, as well as insomnia, which are all things you’ll want to avoid. Thus, if your spine is aching, but you have no idea what’s going on, it’s time to take a look at the bed you use each day.

2. If You Cannot Get Comfortable at Night

Tossing and bending, adding extra pillows beside your hands, and struggling to find a comfy position could be associated with the pain you’re experiencing. This won’t only cause pain, but it could also influence your energy levels, which will then, of course, influence your mood and ability to concentrate. Flailing for hours each night is one of the most common indicators that the mattress you have might no longer be suitable.

3. If You Think You’ll Fall

If you always sleep in the middle of the bed, but still think and feel like you’re constantly on the edge, close to falling, the mattress you’re using might not have appropriate edge support. What does this mean? Well, it basically means that the structure of it is slowly – but surely – deteriorating and getting weaker every day, which, of course, could be the reason behind the uncomfortable aches you’ve been feeling in the morning.

4. If You Drop Into The Bed

Besides lacking appropriate edge support, another thing that you may be experiencing is dropping or sinking into the bed. So, if this happens to your every day and if it always also folds around you, it’s time to drop everything that you’re doing and start browsing different online mattress stores such as in order to find a new mattress for yourself. Doing this is crucial since a sinking surface won’t keep your spine aligned and it’ll also hinder you from moving throughout the night.

5. If It’s Too Hard

Now, the very first thing that you should keep in mind is that there is a difference between a mattress that is manufactured for supporting your body and one that has become too hard to sleep on. If it’s too hard, your body, back, and spine will constantly be in a position that isn’t natural, which will then create pressure points that are driving the discomfort you’re feeling when you get up. Your spine should always be in a neutral position which is something a fresh mattress can help with.

6. If You Can Feel And See Lumps

Yes, this is something completely obvious, however, it’s still worth mentioning it – resting on a surface that is full of lumps will, of course, cause your body to hurt. This can be avoided if you rotate it every 3 to 6 months or if you choose to purchase a topper, however, this will only be a short-term fix, mostly because the lumps could end up appearing everywhere. Thus, if lumps are bothering you, start searching for a brand-new mattress.

7. If It’s Older Than a Decade

This was exactly the reason why I experienced backaches and issues, hence, if you’re mattress is older than a decade or if you simply cannot remember when was the last time that you’ve changed it, drop everything that you’re doing and begin searching for a new one. Of course, the time period can be different depending on the type you own, nonetheless, an old bed, especially one that is more than a decade old must be replaced.

Why should I replace it if it’s still okay to sleep on? One word – dirt. Even if you deep and steam clean it twice a year, if you rotate and twist it around, and if you own toppers to prevent dust and dirt from gathering on the surface, you have no idea how much dirt might have accumulated in it over the years. Mites and bed bugs can also occur due to the age of the bed, so, consider replacing it every seven to ten years.

8. If You Don’t Feel Energized in The Morning

Last on our list of red flags, but equally worth mentioning as everything else is the fact that you must substitute your mattress if you don’t feel energized when you wake up. As we already stated, poor sleep can lead to decreased energy levels, which will cause you to feel less motivated, concentrated, and capable of performing the simplest tasks, thus, if this is something that applies to you, start browsing for a new option that’ll help you get an appropriate amount of sleep and in return, keep you energized throughout the day.


Sleep allows our bodies and minds to heal, rest, and function correctly, and having an uncomfortable and old mattress can contribute to you losing sleep. If you notice any of the aforementioned signs, don’t lose time, instead, start browsing for a new mattress that’ll suit your sleeping style, but more importantly, that’ll permit you to entirely and comfortably rest throughout the evening.

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