Can You Take Your Own Passport Photo With a Smartphone

Renewing our passports is something that we don’t necessarily love to do but we definitely like to have our travel documents ready for our next trip. We all know that the process is relatively easy but sometimes it can take a lot of time. One of the biggest problems that we have with these travel documents is our photographs. We want to look as good as possible, but we know that we rarely come out looking beautiful in our passport photos. This begs the question; how do we fix that? In this article we are going to tell you if you can take your own passport photo with a smartphone, and what is the best way to do that.
Can you do it?

Before putting your phone on selfie mode, the first thing you would need to check if this is allowed in your country. In some places, people are allowed to take their photographs with their smartphones, and then just provide the authorities with the image. Nevertheless, there are some countries where you will have to have your picture taken by the authorities at the location where you would get your passport issued.
So, the first thing that you would need to do is make sure that your country allows this and that you can take your own picture and submit it. If you are allowed to do that then you should continue reading because this article is going to help you out a lot with the whole process. You can choose to use a passport photo online service that is going to help you throughout the process, and you can check out to find out why these services are better than doing it all on your own.
Is a smartphone the best idea?
If you are allowed to submit your own photograph, then you’re probably wondering what is the best thing that you can do. Most of us are just choose to go to a professional studio where they take our pictures and then we used that photograph to submit for our travel documents.
This is the best option if you want to make sure that you are providing a photograph with the right resolution and that is professionally taken. However, this is an issue because you cannot control everything on your own, and you cannot take dozens of photographs until you absolutely love the one that is going to be in your passport.
In case you want to have the best possible picture, and if you want to be in charge of the light, the pose, and if you want to make sure that you look as good as you want, you may have to end up paying a lot of money to the service.
What is the solution to that? Well, the solution is to have everything in your hands, when you use your smartphone, you will be able to take as many pictures as you want and even though you will have to follow the rules for a passport photo, you will still be in charge of the final result.
How to properly do it?

The most important thing that you need to do is pay attention to the guidelines. Depending on where you are from, you would need to submit photos that are of the right size, and of the right quality. Keep in mind that the background is going to play a huge role as well, and you cannot just submit any random selfie that you have on your phone.
Taking your picture with a white background is relatively easy and setting up your phone on a tripod to make sure that everything looks beautiful is going to be the least of your worries.
The biggest issue that users have is choosing the right format and taking a picture with the right size. Our smart devices are made to take images that are definitely not of the right size and when you try and modify and crop them on your own, you risk the picture looking either not as good as you wanted or you crop on places that should not be cropped.
The right way to deal with this issue is to use a service that is going to help you find the right format and they will do the whole cropping and modification process automatically. As we mentioned at the beginning of this article, there are a lot of services online that can help you out with this, and the only thing you would need to do is upload your image on their website.
This means that once you are happy with the picture you have taken, the next thing would be to choose the online service that works the best for you and upload the image of your choosing. After that, you would need to only choose the type of format that you want, if you want the picture to be modified for your passport, visa, or any other type of document.

You should look for a service that will allow you to choose between a lot of different documents so that you can find the size and quality that meet the official guidelines. Once you find a trusted service, the process is extremely simple, and you will not have to do anything manually. The only thing that you would be asked to do is upload your file, choose the document type, and then everything else will be finished automatically.
As you can see, yes you can take your own passport photo with a smartphone and you can do it with pretty much any device of your choosing. It does not matter if you are an Android or an iPhone user, it only matters that you take a high-quality image with the right background. Make sure that you read the rules and the guidelines when it comes to submitting your passport photo, and once you are sure that you have taken an image that is of your liking and that follows the rules, the next thing is to make it of the right size. That can easily be done online and you don’t have to worry about going to a professional studio that is going to charge you a lot of money to just edit your image.