Tips for Selling Stuff Online

Buying and selling stuff on the internet is easier today than ever. There are so many vendors, platforms, and websites that you lose track of it all. But one thing is obvious: the competition online is fierce. And selling your products/services means edging the competition with better strategies.
So, how do you find out which strategies work and which ones don’t? Well, the simple answer is that every strategy doesn’t work everywhere. It really depends on which platform or service you’re selling on. Each system or service offers features that can slightly differ from its competition. And the key is to recognize these features so that you can make full use of them. This, of course, is easier said than done when you think of all the online shopping options that are available.
Today, we will list out some of the best tips and strategies you can use when you sell on Shoppok. Some of these ideas can work well on other selling platforms too. But most of it focuses on the unique way in which this site works.

Use Honest Descriptions
If you were posting on an e-commerce platform, this would be called your sales copy. Whatever you call it, it’s what informs the buyer about your product or service. Too many sellers and vendors try to trick their way into selling a few items. This, although, may work a few times, is not a viable business strategy. Since the classifieds are completely free, you can expect to see ads that have misleading and unreliable descriptions.
The best way to build rapport with buyers is, to be honest with your product descriptions. This makes it easier for your customers to trust your word when you say a product really is great. Don’t go crazy complimenting your own products on your own sales copy. Keep it real and keep it honest.
Go for a sense of urgency
You need not lie in your sales description, but don’t undersell your products either. A good way to sustain engagement with your products is to create a sense of urgency. You can create it depending on the kind of product you have or the customer target in mind. For example, any buyer would want good shipping options. Even if you don’t offer to ship to everyone who buys, you can set a limit of customers who get it. If you have several of the same products, you can offer a discount or bonus as a gift to the first ten customers. This can encourage people to buy your product faster.

Do not post Duplicate Ads
When the ad posting is completely free, it can be tempting to post several ads for the same product. At first, it may seem like a good way of increasing your visibility, but it’s a bad strategy for the long run. The website has a rule against having multiple ads with the same item. Whenever detected, the website usually removes the posts altogether. If you post the same ads all the time, the site may block your access to it. Also, you should know that people looking for products are confused when the same ad is repeated several times.
Choose the correct Category
Sites like these is all about categories and sub-categories. And there’s a good/valid reason for this: the products are easier to find and buy for customers. A casual glance at the website’s main page will show you that there are more categories than you can keep track of. If you post an electronic gadget in the Arts and Crafts category, you’ll lessen the chances of buyers seeing it. Customers in that category will probably not be looking for electronic gadgets. So, you get the idea. Ensure that your ad goes into the right category so that it will enable the right eyes to see them.
Avoid external links and websites

If you’re a seller who runs or owns another website, it can be tempting to post links to your own content. Backlinks from other websites can be a good source of traffic and SEO. But here is not where you do it.
Any external links will appear as self-promotion or unsolicited endorsement within site. So, it will get removed, and your account won’t look so good when caught. Stick to your descriptions and titles to win over buyers from within the website. There is, however, an exception to this linking rule. And we’ll describe it in the next tip.
Add Images and/or video to your post
We all know that consumers respond better to visuals. But many users seem to forego this option when posting. A simple and catchy picture can often draw more attention than a wall of words. And on classifieds, no one is really interested in reading several paragraphs of product descriptions.
Most of the time, the title and picture alone can keep or send away a prospective buyer. Use images and photos to shed light on your product or service. When you take a photo of a product, it should be clear and show the product as it is. You should not use filters when processing a photo, this can mislead the buyer. Take a few photos from different angles to make the subject of your sale more clear. If you’re offering a service, also try to come up with a photo that can convey the message and grab attention. Also, you can embed a YouTube link of your product while editing the post. Since it’s embedded as a product video, it doesn’t count as an external link.
Re-edit or Repost during the right time
You can always make changes to your post by accessing the edit feature on the website. If you’ve already registered, you’ll have a post manager where you can directly edit. If you aren’t registered, the confirmation email in your inbox will contain a separate link. Follow this link to edit or even delete your post if required. The website usually deletes any ad that has stayed up for 180 days. So, reposting before that would be a duplicate post. But after the removal, you can always make the post again.