
Pre-Installation Checklist for HVAC Systems

Installing an HVAC system involves a significant investment. It also involves installations of multiple components and ductwork and the chances of missing out on something are always high. So, it’s logical to follow a checklist, so you accidentally don’t overlook something crucial during this process.

Established HVAC contractors like Direct Air Conditioning have an operational practice to follow such carefully crafted checklists. Click here to learn more about their approach to AC installation.

Why does accurate AC installation matter?


A faulty installation of your AC would deprive the system of its optimal functional capacity. With a wrongly installed system, you would experience poor AC performance. Also, it would reflect in terms of higher energy bills. To ensure the longevity of the system, it’s crucial to follow the checklist and install the system to perfection.

Failure to install your AC accurately can result in different issues, including:

  • The presence of pollen, bacteria, and other contaminants
  • Insufficient cooling
  • Electrical problems in the long run
  • Leakage of water
  • Improper insulation around the AC
  • Instability due to poor weight distribution

Ultimate checklist for installing air conditioning systems

Before installing a new AC at your home or office, do not forget to attend to this checklist.

1. Prepare the ductwork


The common belief is that you need to choose the right location for your AC during installation. While this is absolutely true, many households overlook the importance of proper ductwork. It takes time and a professional hand to ensure that the ductwork is perfect. Improper ductwork can cause lots of issues, such as reduced airflow, excessive noise, and higher electricity bills.

In the first place, the HVAC installers should ensure that the ducts are perfectly sealed. In case there are leaks or gaps that allow the air to escape, you would experience low efficiency.

Before installing the AC, get the ducts cleaned thoroughly. In case there’s any dirt left, you would face airflow issues later on. This would also mess up the AC’s performance, stressing the compressor unnecessarily. Preparing the ductwork ensures that your AC will perform optimally.

2. Examine the components


Before installing, make sure that the HVAC experts recheck the model number. The installers should be working on the right unit. Inspect the gas lines, vents, air filters, and drain pipes. In case some parts are missing, contact the manufacturer immediately. Here are some additional recommendations that should help you.

  • Check out whether the drip pans are free from rust and cracks
  • There should be no fungi in the drain
  • Make sure there’s no leak, odour, or standing water around the installation
  • The fan chamber should be clean, devoid of any dust
  • The tension of the fan belt should be accurate
  • The fan motor should have proper lubrication
  • The air distribution must be well-balanced inside your room
  • All the air vents should be clean and open

3.  Choosing the right place

Check whether you have adequate space around your AC before installing it. The system needs to draw indoor air, so leave enough room for the AC to suck in the air. Also, the AC should be able to blow the conditioned air freely.

If there’s any obstruction on either side, it will restrict the system from performing optimally. So, take care that there’s no heavy furniture or wall close to the vents. Choosing the wrong place to install your AC would stress the system, besides generating higher energy bills.

Thus, choose a level area before you commence with the installation process. Professional AC installers use a laser or spirit level to check whether the surface is level.

4. Legalities and building codes

Failing to adhere to the building codes and legalities can invite penalties in the long run. So, it’s crucial to check with your HVAC installer regarding these specifications. Also, check out the building codes and specifications of the manufacturers. Reputed installers have customized checklists that comply with the local building codes.

5. Check the heat exchanger of your AC


A clogged heat exchanger in your AC can lead to system inefficiency. So, make sure to check the heat exchanger of your AC before installing it. Whether you are replacing an existing system or getting a new unit installed, the experts must evaluate these components. If you are installing an old AC, experts recommend cleaning the heat exchanger.

6.   Examine the furnace filter

Reputed HVAC contractors carefully examine the furnace filter before installing the AC. The furnace filters significantly control the system’s performance, regulating the energy. In case it fails to regulate the energy or restricts the airflow, the furnace would come under pressure. An established HVAC contractor’s goal is to ensure that your system delivers optimal functions. Therefore, they should assess the condition of the furnace filter before installing the unit.

7.   Checking air balance

In case you are installing a central AC system, it makes sense to examine the air balance in all the chambers. With a well-balanced system, all the rooms would have the same air pressure when you close the internal doors.

All the rooms would receive a constant air balance when the air from the heat register can trace its way back to the air duct system without any hindrance. In case the air fails to travel steadily, there would be a discrepancy in air pressure since the heating duct supplies the rooms with air quicker than the return ones. Poor air balance would rob the system of its energy efficiency. Reputed installers do the needful to ensure an even air balance.



Installing your AC unit is more complicated than you might think. When you hire your installation professional, ensure they brief you about the thermostat settings, the unit’s capabilities, warranty information, and other particulars. The experts at Direct Air Conditioning can assist you throughout the installation process and even beyond it. Whether it comes to repair, servicing, or maintenance, you can count on one of these professional service providers for steadfast assistance.

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