Are you someone who likes to play golf? Do you do it in your spare time or are you more so a professional? Either way it may be the truth is that golf is a popular sport, but is most loved and played in the U.S. Statistics show that 8.2 million golfers love to test out different terrains and fields, trying to have fun in other parts of the country. Want to plan a trip yourself? Is this the first golf trip that you want to remember for years to come? If so, keep on reading the article and avoid some rookie mistakes when planning your next big trip.
7 Mistakes to Avoid when Planning Your First Golf Trip
1. Not knowing where to play

Picking out the perfect spot can be so tricky, especially if you have never played before. A ton of people tend to book a wrong spot too early in advance or too late, which tends to lead to unrealistic pricing. You want to book someone who can create a personalized itinerary to meet your requirements at the best possible price in the industry. If you’re looking for a quick golf break in the UK, Europe, or worldwide, you have to narrow down your selection. If you need help booking a world-class golf trip check out http://www.golfholidaysdirect.com/.
2. You are not selective enough
One bad shot can ruin an entire round, as you probably know it yourself. Who wants to deal with bad moves and poor shots during their stay? This same rule applies to your companionship and the people you plan on traveling with. Select people who you get along with, and talk about budget and finances early on. It’s important to ensure that the group is on the same page in terms of budget and that everyone can book the same amount of free days for the trip due to their jobs or busy schedules. Be selective and cautious early on.
3. You are overdoing it when playing golf

If it’s your first trip and you want to get the full experience chances are that you’re going to overdo it with your bucket list. Who wants to get even more tired when on their vacation? It is important to take a breather, and enjoy the experience! Don’t plan excessive games or push random activities everywhere you can. The main focus is on your mental breather. Take some time to stop and smell the roses, take a few photos and enjoy the journey! No reason to push the same terrain and aim for that hole-in-one. Overdoing it or putting a ton of pressure will just result in a poor outcome.
4. You didn’t hire a driver
The benefits of hiring a Driver-Host to chauffeur you around the golf course mean having freedom and full potential of doing whatever you want. This also means that you can have a glass of wine or one beer without feeling anxious or guilty about your actions. After all, you are on a holiday! Who wants to stress about means of transport and getting from point A to point B? In a typical week-long golf vacation, it’s possible to hit several nearby locations and have diverse fun! No reason to switch up your hotel either, just find a reliable driver who can take you from one course to the other.
5. You are spending too much on accommodation

Hotels aren’t the only option when staying somewhere for several days + who says that you have to go during high season? Avoiding crowds and enjoying cooler weather might sound like a bulletproof solution if you ask me. If you’re going with a group of friends it might make more sense to rent a condo or vacation house, especially if you’re on a budget, but also if you like to DIY your own meals and cook for your closest ones. Do you mind sharing a room or a bed? In the end, it all comes down to your personal preference.
6. You are paying your airline carrier for hauling your sticks
Golf bags and cases are a pain to haul around at airports, as you probably know by now. Usually, airlines will charge an insane amount of money for this service. In the end, renting them at the place might seem like a better option, despite the number of your stays. You can also consider shipping your golf gear separately so that arrives at your destination before you do. Find a service that works well for you, but also consider the costs for carrying all of your and your friends’ equipment beforehand.
7. You are not taking a day off the course
It may seem counterintuitive, yet sometimes the best thing you can plan for a golf trip is a day with no golf. Think about it. You will probably be staying there for what, 5-7 days? If so, not only that you will need a rest day, but you will want to recharge your batteries and switch your focus. Who wants (and who can) think about golf 24/7? Explore your destination, try out different foods, and enjoy a variety of fun cultures and different people to make it a memorable trip. You will have a ton of memories in the end and will thank yourself for making this decision.
Are you ready to play?

If you feel ready for the best golf tournament or getaway, say no more, and start booking your trip! Do you want to stop making these rookie mistakes? Are you ready to have fun when out with your friends or family and during a golf tournament? Make sure that you’re prepared and do your homework before heading out. With some key steps, tips, and tricks, as well as proper preparation you will have the time of your life! Learn from these top 7 mistakes and gear up with the right equipment, you will have the perfect getaway.