How To Be A Freelance Digital Marketer – 2024 Guide

The world of digital marketing is huge with endless opportunities to succeed. That presents a unique opportunity for you to become a freelance digital marketer.
Freelancing is on the rise; no doubts about it. If you ever wanted to experience how working from home can change your life, then specializing in the digital sector is the way to do it.
Regardless if you are a freelancer or want to become one, we have the right guide for 2024 that will set you on course to become a freelance digital marketer.

What is a Freelance Digital Marketing?
We know that digital marketing is only a small subculture of what makes marketing and the digital world. This combination of both is seen as the future when it comes to promoting brands, businesses, and companies.
However, the only thing that interests you is that this is all done online via the internet. This is why you can freelance in the digital marketing space.
Since only large companies have their in-house teams, this presents a unique opportunity for you to work for smaller brands and businesses.
Your primary role would be to increase their reach by attracting new clients, customers, followers, etc. You’ll mostly operate through social channels and websites, so naturally, knowledge in both is advised. And if you are active on YouTube, visit BuzzVoice to increase the number of views.
What Are Your Options?
As with anything, there are different types even to digital marketing. Now, let’s discuss those a little bit as they’re very important in our article.
· Content Marketing

Don’t be surprised if any of these further derive into other categories. Such is the case for content marketing, and it can further be categorized into the distribution of content, strategy, and of course, writing the content.
Every content marketing “gig” starts with strategy. This is the part where you create a plan for the company’s content like they do in The Doe site. This takes into account which piece of content goes where, finding the right content that will bring in more engagement, and creating effective follow-up actions such as signing up for your newsletter, following through social media, and even purchasing products.
The second category, writing, is exactly what it sounds. As a content writer, you’re tasked with creating the content. This can be done in numerous forms such as text, images, videos, animations, infographics, etc. The most viable ways to translate this to the audience is via blog articles, eBooks, websites, whitepapers, posters, and everything else that comes to mind.
As a content distributor, however, your task would be to find ways to get the content into people’s feeds, inboxes, etc. As a content distributor, you have to have a solid knowledge of social media platforms, how websites work, SEO, and various other skills.
You could be a rookie, a senior, and even get promoted to a manager. However, it can be very confusing to understand all of your responsibilities in these categories, or in digital marketing in general. So, we have the perfect article where you can familiarize yourself with the job roles of a digital marketing manager. For more information, make sure to read this.
· Social Media

Social media plays a huge role in this sphere, as it is one of the best ways to get content out there. Companies with huge followings have their very own social media teams that work in accordance with their digital marketing teams to bring to you unprecedented content.
When it comes to working as a social media expert, having unquestionable knowledge in social media platforms, social ethics, and social trends is a must-have.
As a social media expert, you’ll be tasked with posting content on a brand’s social platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Content. This all might sound easy, but wait until the content marketing team messes up and creates a huge discussion in the comments.
Luckily, this isn’t all you do and other tasks mostly involve optimizing each post for each specific platform in order to get maximum reach.

SEO is a very famous acronym that stands for Search Engine Optimization, and there would be no point in using websites if SEO didn’t exist.
SEO is a must-have skill if you want to be a successful digital marketer that specializes in websites. SEO is the only way to rank a website on Google, and this will be your job in the future if you so choose to specialize.
It can be very tricky to become an SEO master, but you will get the hang of it through time. However, we should also tell you that SEO is very complex to understand since there is no definitive rule on how it works.
All that we’ll say is that your job will mostly be on-page optimization, off-page optimization, and of course the golden egg, keyword research.
This all might sound very strange and very confusing, and it is since SEO is very complex and demanding.
What we’ll say is that SEO is one of the highest-paid freelance gigs.
SEO and SEM have only one thing in common; they’re both parts of digital marketing. Everything else is completely different. While SEM is an acronym that is quite similar to SEO, the differences couldn’t be further apart.
If SEO specializes in gaining organic reach to your website, then Search Engine Marketing (SEM) involves increasing your website’s visibility by using paid methods such as advertisements.
These advertisements are mostly in the form of PPC ads. PPC stands for pay per click and it is the standard strategy for businesses and companies to increase revenue.
Why Become a Freelance Digital Marketing

We’ve talked about specific professions, but why should you make the decision? Well, first off, becoming a freelancer offers tons of flexibility.
It might be hard to start at first, but once you get a few gigs you’ll regularly have work on your hands. But that shouldn’t scare you since you pick when you work, for whom you work, and how much you work.
Furthermore, you can work from home, every project is entirely different from the rest, and the industry is truly huge so you learn new things as you work. This presents an unprecedented option when it comes to learning new skills, improving your existing ones, and moving up the freelance food-chain into becoming one of the best.