6 Pros and Cons of DIY Car Chip Tuning

Very soon after electronics, ie computers and chips became an integral part of the car, a strong chip tuning scene appeared. The increase in power through the installation of a new chip immediately took precedence in the tuning scene. It is true that chip tuning should not be shunned, because if it is done well, it can increase the car’s power and reduce consumption without fear of possible problems. It is important to choose an expert and the type of tuning that will be able to release the potential of the vehicle within safe limits.
Chip tuning is especially interesting for men and race cars who want to improve performance in this way. Many people think that this job is easy to do alone and that in that way they will save a few dollars in their pocket. Well, let’s see if that’s really the case.
It is cheaper
Yes, it’s cheaper to do it yourself, but it goes without saying that you know what you need to do. Keep in mind that this is your pet on four wheels and that it could cost you more if you still need the help of a professional.
You will get more engine power

Chip tuning will surely achieve better engine power, but it also depends on some other factors such as engine, generation, and type of vehicle, as well as the condition of the vehicle. We divide tuning into three types, good and safe tuning when you get the expected power, good tuning when you do not get the expected, but a little less, but still safe power, and bad tuning which gives a little or a lot of uncertain power. On seletron.com you can learn more about it.
You lose the warranty
You bought a car that is still under warranty, but you desperately want to boost it. You can, but keep in mind that the warranty must not process vital parts or make any changes to the engine or change its factory maps on the computer.
The road to ruin

Chip tuning used to take a lot of time and effort, and today it is possible to simply update the software you download from the internet. However, any good mechanic will kindly advise you not to do this as it is a direct way to cause great damage to the engine.
For that reason, it is best to go to a proven specialist with a proven reputation. The modification can be done by remapping via a laptop or implementing the appropriate modules.
You need good equipment for this
If someone wants to take this business seriously and tune cars in a safe and correct way, he must be ready for bigger investments. A dynamometer (rollers for measuring the power and parameters of a car) is one of the biggest investments in this business, but it is also necessary for proper operation.
A mistake can cost you dearly
This is a job you better not get into if you are not 100% sure of what you are doing. This is exactly the reason why we mentioned that you need good equipment that would recognize this in time, because in the event of an error, there may be malfunctions in the turbine, nozzle, electronics, as well as damage to the DPF filter. To learn how to do this the right way, check out the step-by-step manuals at manualsnet.com.
What changes in the car during chip tuning?

The instructions that the computer receives through the maps are changed, which is done by changing the firmware, ie the factory file that gives instructions to the engine. This file does not change from the time it leaves the factory until it is chipped, and as such, it cannot be corrupted.
If chipping is so useful, why is it not done in factories?
Car manufacturers take many factors into account when it comes to the market in which they place their products. The most important thing is that customers are satisfied. They set certain limiters in the computer, which are there to determine what the car should endure on average, and that is what is most important to them.
On the other hand, manufacturers usually make a larger range, ie a range of engines with different cubic capacities, so by drawing the best values, these limits would be significantly moved and to their detriment.
Why do some people still avoid chip tuning?
As in any other business, there are those non-professionals who download maps from the Internet and do not know the difference between absolute and working limits, which can lead to major failures such as turbine failure.
How realistic is it to expect a reduction in fuel consumption?

We have already said that the condition of the vehicle should be taken into account. What is important to point out is that this is not recommended for those who like faster/more aggressive driving (which is probably the reason why many decide to take this step) because the consumption will be even higher.
Chip tuning changes the characteristics of the car’s control units and the drive machine gets different air and fuel mixtures in certain operating modes. Theoretically, the power on some cars can be doubled, but this is not possible without other extensive mechanical changes to the engine and car and the risk of serious failures. Tuners therefore almost typically increase power by 10 to 30 percent. Therefore, it does not need to be clarified how wise it is for drivers who decide on such a procedure to choose a reputable manufacturer and a trusted master.
People rightly think that remapping can bring more benefits than if it is done by unprofessional people, but if it is done by a professional, you will get a car with better acceleration with slightly lower fuel consumption. In principle, this addition of a chip is not very expensive, and brings noticeably better performance, and that there is no negative impact on reliability if it is done by a professional.