When Is It Too Late to Become a Professional Soccer Player?

A Universal quote, “It’s Never Too Late To Start,” works well for melancholic people who started their life journey after half-time. But if you compare the quote with soccer, it stands partially correct because the person who became a professional player after crossing the age faces many issues. But there are some exceptional players too, such as Luca Toni, who joined at 28 and in his entire career, he won many titles including World Cup 2006. Here, the article is focused on the impact of the football players who started playing late.
The ideal time to start a career in football is in the range of 17-23 years of age. Football is a game of energy, and when the player becomes old, they lose the energy level. As a result, the performance lacks the same impacts on the team. This is the reason most of the clubs consider the players who lie in the above-stated range.
Additionally, some clubs are also there who consider the youth below 17 years also, with the intention to train them more and more, so that they can give the valuable result at the time. So, the age after 23 is considered too late to become a professional soccer player, and some experts justified the statement too. Now, let’s see a few reasons given by them.
Why is it not good to join soccer after 23 years of age?

The youth are full of energy, and the clubs utilize the same by pumping the football skills through training. The intention of the clubs behind this is to reach the top of the league chart and to win a major championship cup. Football is a game of dedication, and the clubs choose the youth so that they can devote their time for a longer duration in this sport. So, the latecomers, who lack football skills, can’t match the co-players, and as a result, the team balance gets affected. There are other reasons, too, that become a nightmare for the players who join late.
Lack of Proper Training
If you search for the best footballers in the world, you will find one thing common among them, i.e., proper training at a young age. At a young age, the mind is very sharp, which catches things spontaneously that helps them to learn football skills quickly. Furthermore, their stamina is also good, so they undergo continuous training offered by a coach and become a master in football tactics.
The players who join soccer after the respective said duration fail the proper training. However, they are familiar with the football tactics, but they are not master, and also lack of proper guidance (coach) is also reflected in the field in the form of incoordination.
High Competition
Soccer is a worldwide recognized game that has a huge fan following, and most of the youth take this sport as a career. Many youths want to join their favorite league to showcase their talents, so definitely there is no doubt competition can be seen in one category. If you are too late and want to join soccer, then you can imagine the competition; already youth are in the race, and joining them will be a tough task as they are talented, energetic, and skilled.
Let us consider with an example; suppose A is a 17-year-old boy who is well trained, and B is a late player who is also skilled, then who will be the ideal choice for the club management? Definitely, it will be A. However, there is always some exception, and if B is outstanding in football skills, then he will be the winner. If you consider this example, then the majority of A are youth who are giving tough competition to the latecomers.
Exposure Factor

The young players start their professional football training at an early age, and that enables them to play with a club that exposes their talents and draws the attention of club management. Furthermore, when such a young player joins a senior team and plays with them, they learn more that enhances their football skill.
But if you join late, you will lack exposure, and the same may become a big hurdle on the way to becoming a professional soccer player. Additionally, playing directly in the senior team may bring contradictions among you and seniors as the skills may not match. Football is all about timing, and it comes with playing many matches with a club, and if you join late to a club, then there is a high possibility you will lack the timing.
Less Opportunity
According to the livescore data provided by Buaksib, most of the premier clubs look for the youth, so in that case, it will be difficult for you to join such clubs. However, you can look for some low-rank clubs, and after giving your best performance, you can draw the attention of premier club management. If you follow this path, then undoubtedly, you can be a part of a major club. The best example is Jamie Vardy, who started his pro-football career at the age of 23 with Halifax Town, and at the age of 27, he joined Leicester City (Premier League Club) and also, he played for England National Team.
Low Game Counting
If you start your football career too late, then there is a high possibility you will get fewer games to play compared to young players. The youth start playing football at a young age, and they get many opportunities to showcase their skills. However, on your side, you will get a few opportunities to show football skills. Furthermore, if you join the premier league clubs, then you will also play few matches compared to the young players who will join with you, as they can play more because of the age factor and you will have to take retirement.
Bottom Line

Football is a game that comprises many elements and to master them; you will have to begin your journey at an early age. On the off chance, if you join late, you may miss some football aspects that won’t help you to become a professional soccer player. So, if you lie in the range of 17-23, then it is an ideal time to become professional football soccer.